Sitemap Configuration
After the request has been matched to a mount, the remaining request path will be matched against the sitemap, which defines the URL space of a site. A sitemap contains a composite tree structure of hst:sitemapitem nodes. For example
+ hst:sitemap [hst:sitemap] + root [hst:sitemapitem] | - hst:componentconfigurationid = hst:pages/home | - hst:relativecontentpath = common/home + about [hst:sitemapitem] - hst:componentconfigurationid = hst:pages/textpage = hst:relativecontentpath = common/about
A matched sitemap item* contains a property hst:componentconfigurationid, which is a reference to the HMVC root, typically a child node below hst:pages. See Pages, Components, Abstractpages and Templates for more detail about this. A sitemap item also optionally has a hst:relativecontentpath, which is the relative content path below the root content the hst:site points to. See SiteMapItem Matching for a detailed explanation on the matching rules.
* Note that only for default site pipeline processing, in which case the request processing is done according HMVC model, the matched sitemapitem requires a hst:componentconfigurationid. If the matched sitemapitem indicates non-default request processing through the property hst:namedpipeline, then a sitemapitem typically does not have a hst:componentconfigurationid. A sitemapitem can also contain multiple component configuration ids, more about that can be read at Multiple Component configs per SitemapItem.