This article covers a Bloomreach Experience Manager version 11. There's an updated version available that covers our most recent release.

After Process Behavior

  • HST Behavior class: com.onehippo.cms7.eforms.hst.behaviors.AfterProcessBehavior
  • HST Component class: com.onehippo.cms7.eforms.hst.components.AfterProcessComponent
  • CMS Plugin class: com.onehippo.cms7.eforms.cms.extensions.AfterProcessPlugin


The After Process pluggable behaviour contains information relevant to after the form has finished processing. It has the following fields:

Field Description
Confirmation Radio buttons to choose the behavior after the form submission.
Confirmation text Optional text to be presented as confirmation text in the page.
It will be set as request attribute 'afterProcessSuccessText'.
Confirmation URL Optional URL to be redirected to after the form submission.
It should either start with 'http' for an external redirect or be an existing HST sitemap path.



CMS Configuration

To add the CMS plugin to the form editor, add a node of type frontend:plugin under /hippo:namespaces/your_namespace/your_form/editor:templates/_default_. Add the following properties:

  • plugin.class = com.onehippo.cms7.eforms.cms.extensions.AfterProcessPlugin
  • mode = ${mode}
  • = ${}.extensions.item
  • wicket.model = ${wicket.model}

HST Configuration

Behavior configuration

To add the behavior to your form component, add the following parameter to the component configuration:

  • behaviors parameter: com.onehippo.cms7.eforms.hst.behaviors.AfterProcessBehavior

Component configuration

The form component should be extended from com.onehippo.cms7.eforms.hst.components.AfterProcessComponent. It sets the attribute processDone to either true or false dependding the process is successful or failed.


The Enterprise Forms demo contains a form that has the After Process behavior plugged in.

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