Index beans with HippoSolrClient
You can very easily inject your own objects to index into Solr with the HippoSolrClient.
Assume you have your pojo/bean MyBean that implements the IdentifiableContentBean's. Then adding it to Solr index is trivial. For example:
MyBean myBean = .... HippoSolrClient solrClient = HstServices.getComponentManager(). getComponent(HippoSolrClient.class.getName(), "org.hippoecm.hst.solr"); try { solrClient.getSolrServer().addBean(myBean); UpdateResponse commit = solrManager.getSolrServer().commit(); } catch (IOException e) { // log error } catch (SolrServerException e) { // log error }
Add MyBeans to the Solr index:
List<MyBean> myBeans = .... HippoSolrClient solrClient = HstServices.getComponentManager(). getComponent(HippoSolrClient.class.getName(), "org.hippoecm.hst.solr"); try { solrManager.getSolrServer().addBeans(myBeans); UpdateResponse commit = solrManager.getSolrServer().commit(); } catch (IOException e) { // log error } catch (SolrServerException e) { // log error }