This article covers a Bloomreach Experience Manager version 11. There's an updated version available that covers our most recent release.

Events Component

Class Name

The Events Component is implemented by the class



The Events component is a specialization of the List component. Similar to the News Component, it provides you with the option to specify a query filter indicating that all past events should be hidden, making sure that your site doesn't show outdated events. This component uses a date granularity of days, meaning that old events will be hidden when a new day has started.

Component Parameters

Name Description
hidePastEvents Flag indicating if past events should be hidden or not. By default, they are hidden.
documentDateField Name of the attribute of the repository node representing the event document, which holds document's date value. This parameter is only considered if hiding of past events is turned on.

See also the inherited component parameters of the List Component.

Request Parameters

There are no extra request parameters on top of the ones inherited from the List Component.

Rendering Attributes

There are no extra rendering attributes on top of the ones inherited from the List Component.

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