Configure Tagged Browsing
Configure tagged browsing using a faceted tree.
By configuring a faceted tree with sorting and limiting of facet values, it is possible to enable tagged browsing out-of-the-box.
Consider an implementation project created using the Maven archetype, with the News and Tagging features added. News documents have tags stored in a multi-valued String property hippostd:tags.
Using the following faceted tree configuration:
/content/documents/myhippoproject: /faceted-news: jcr:primaryType: hippofacnav:facetnavigation hippo:docbase: d2b1775c-fb97-4080-bd66-ede4ac874b5a hippofacnav:facets: [ hippostd:tags ] hippofacnav:facetnodenames: [ "Tags${sortby:'count', sortorder:'descending', limit:10}" ]
The faceted tree will list the 10 most common tags. Selecting one will list the 10 tags most commonly combined with the selected tag. Selecting one will list the 10 tags most commonly combined with the two selected tags. And so on.
For example:
/content/documents/myhippoproject: /faceted-news [51]: /Tags [21]: /hippo [12]: /Tags [12]: /hippo [12]: /cloud [6]: /Tags [6]: /cloud [6]: /hippo [6]: /hippo:resultset [6]: /hippo:resultset [6]: /record [3]: /bloomreach [3]: /momentum [3]: /hippo:resultset [9]: /gogreen [9]: /cloud [6]: /record [3]: /bloomreach [3]: /growth [3]: /sustainability [3]: /momentum [3]: /hippo:resultset [21]: /hippo:resultset [30]:
Tagged browsing can be combined with all other faceted navigation features. For example, with facet value ranges:
/content/documents/myhippoproject: /faceted-news: jcr:primaryType: hippofacnav:facetnavigation hippo:docbase: d2b1775c-fb97-4080-bd66-ede4ac874b5a hippofacnav:facets: [ hippostd:tags,\ \ "myhippoproject:date$[{name:'today', resolution:'day', begin:0, end:1},\ \ {name:'this week', resolution:'week', begin:0, end:1},\ \ {name:'this year', resolution:'year', begin:0, end:1}]" ] hippofacnav:facetnodenames: [ "Tags${sortby:'count', sortorder:'descending', limit:10}", Date ]
In the resulting faceted tree, selecting 'this week', then enables tagged browsing of all news document of 'this week'.