Upgrade 12.0.4 to 12.0.5

TL;DR: For this upgrade you do not need any manual steps unless you are using MySQL 5.6  and disabled table alteration and do not have an index on lockKey. Below is described what will be done.

If you upgrade to 12.0.5, then during startup the table (prefix is by default REPOSITORY_)


will be modified if you are on MySQL 5.6 and if you are running on premise and the table does not yet have an index on lockKey. If there is an index on lockKey, nothing will change. Note that if you use MySQL 5.7 and disabled innodb_large_prefix  (see innodb-restrictions.html) then also the index on lockKey might be missing resulting in the table to be modified during startup.

After startup with this version, the ${prefix}_HIPPO_LOCK will have an index for lockKey (and the length of lockKey will have been reduced from VARCHAR(255) to VARCHAR(190))

Other cluster nodes can keep running while upgrading to this patch version. Other cluster nodes that are running while the table gets modified (because MySQL 5.6 is used) might log some lock errors while trying to release a lock. These errors can be ignored.


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