Set permissions on folders
The goal of this manual is to show how to setup a group which has permissions only on a specific folder.
This manual starts with a running application and will add a group news-editors with the following permissions:
editor permissions on documents in the folder news
editor permissions on images in the folder news
editor permissions on assets in the folder news
read permissions on all (other) images
It is advisable to also read Repository Authorization and Permissions where some of the used terms are explained in more depth.
A running Bloomreach Experience Manager application (see Getting Started) with the News feature added.
Create folder
Log in to the CMS as admin
Go to the documents perspective
Create a (root) folder with the title news in images
Create a (root) folder with the title news in assets
Create user and group
Log in to the CMS as admin
Go to the admin perspective
Create a user journalist
Create the group news-editors
Make the user journalist member of news-editors
Create security domains
Security domains are configured in the Console.
A user (or group) is granted permissions by assigning a role to the user for a specific security domain. A security domain is basically a set of documents and folders or in JCR terminology a collection of nodes.
To achieve the above stated goal, two security domains are needed. One for which the news-editors group only has read permissions and one for which the news-editor group has editor permissions.
Import the security domains
Download the attachments news-editors-read.xml and news-editors-editor.xml.
Log in to the Console as admin
Select the node /hippo:configuration/hippo:domains
Click on import and select the news-editors-read.xml file, leave all the settings at their defaults and click the import button
Click on import and select the news-editors-editor.xml file, leave all the settings at their defaults and click the import button
If your project has a different name than myproject, replace myproject with your project's name in the value properties the following nodes:
Click write changes to repository
The news-editors-read security domain gives the news editors read permissions to the following folders:
the content folder
the content/documents folder
the content/documents/myproject folder
the content/documents/myproject/news folder
the content/assets folder
the content/gallery folder and all sub folders and documents
the templates for new (document) folders, image folders and asset folders
(the root node is allowed by default in defaultread)
The news-editors-editor security domain gives the news editors editor permissions to the following folders ( [channelname] has been replace by the appropriate channel ) as stated in the goal:
the content/documents/myproject/news folder and alls sub folders and documents
the content/assets/news folder and alls sub folders and assets
the content/gallery/news folder and alls sub folders and images
The domain rules in this example use two types of facet rules to allow permissions on a folder or node. These are the node-by-uuid and the path-by-uuid rules.
The node-by-uuid facet rule uses the fact that hippo:document nodes and all derived types are referenceable. The results in the fact that the nodes always have the jcr:uuid property set to their unique identifying uuid. The facet rule matches the node where the hipposys:facet (property) with the name jcr:uuid is equal to the specified value in hipposys:value. Instead of puting the uuid directly in the hipposys:value property, the Reference facet rule type is used and the path is set in the hipposys:value. At login the uuid of the path is looked up and the uuid of the node is used as value for matching.
The path-by-uuid facet rule is similar to the node-by-uuid facet rule, except that it doesn't match on the jcr:uuid property but on a node path. The facet rule will match the folder node itself and all its descendants.
Set permissions
Log in to the CMS as admin
Go to the permissions in the admin perspective
Grant the group news-editors the role readwrite in defaultwrite
Grant the group news-editors the role readonly in news-editors-read
Grant the group news-editors the role editor in news-editors-editor
Configure CMS access
By default, only users with at least author-level access to /content/documents are authorized to use the CMS application. Because the news editors only have read access to /content/documents, we need to reconfigure who can use the CMS. See Configure login to CMS and Console applications for more information.
Log in to the Console as admin
Select the node /hippo:configuration/hippo:frontend/cms
Change the value of the property privileges from hippo:author to jcr:read
Click Write changes to the repository
Log in to the CMS as journalist
Check that only the folder news in documents is visible
Add a document to the news folder
Check that only the folder news in assets is visible
Add an asset to the news folder
Check that all images are visible
Check that only images can be added to the news folder
Groovy script for easy configuration
A groovy script was created to allow admins to configure permissions on folders easily for the most common use cases. You can grab it here.