Run the Project
The project is configured to deploy and run all three web applications in one go, using Maven's Cargo plug-in.
To run the project, issue the following command from the project root directory:
mvn -Drepo.path=storage
By default, the repository content is stored in the directory target/storage. This has the effect that when you run mvn clean, the repository content, along with all changes and additions you made during development, are erased. To avoid accidents in this area, it is a best practice to specify a different location for storing the repository, outside the target directory. This is expressed by the repo.path parameter in the command above.
You can now access the CMS UI at http://localhost:8080/cms. The following user accounts are set up by default (username / password):
- admin / admin
- editor / editor
- author / author
As a developer, you will typically log in as administrator.
You can also access the website at http://localhost:8080/site. As the project has only just been created, the site is still pretty empty. All you will get is a 404 response.
The Essentials setup application can be accessed at http://localhost:8080/essentials/. You will use it to add functionality and configuration to your project.
Finally, the logs for the website and the CMS can be found at:
- target/tomcat9x/logs/site.log
- target/tomcat9x/logs/cms.log
Next: Add Features to the Project