CMS Dependency Upgrade

Use Packaged CMS Dependencies

In your project's cms module, remove these "product dependencies"


add hst-addon-hcm-site dependency:


and ensure that below "dependency package" is present:


In the rare case that your project excludes the Channel Manager from the CMS web application, annotate this dependency package as follows:

In case your platform web application does not include the CMS, replace hippo-package-cms-dependencies with hippo-package-platform-dependencies.

Rename Packaged Enterprise CMS Dependencies

If your project is an enterprise project, i.e. the parent artifact of your project's root artifact is hippo-cms7-enterprise-release, the cms module contains a dependency on the artifact hippo-enterprise-package-app-dependencies. Rename this artifact to hippo-enterprise-package-cms-dependencies.

Add Shared HST-API Artifact to Distribution

Prior to version 13, the hst-api artifact used to be a dependency of the CMS. As of version 13, this artifact must live in the shared library, so both the CMS and the site web application(s) can access it.

It is important that the hst-api artifact is no longer packaged with the CMS/platform web application. Make sure that the corresponding Maven dependency is removed from cms/pom.xml. You can use mvn dependency:tree in the cms module to validate that the hst-api artifact is listed with scope provided.

In order to make hst-api available in a local development environment, the Maven profile has been updated in the product code, and no project-specific change is necessary. However, in order to package hst-api correctly in the distribution produced by your project (mvn -Pdist), you must adjust your project's configuration of the Maven assembly plugin to output hst-api into the shared libraries directory. Typically this means that you must add hst-api to the <includes> in src/main/assembly/shared-lib-component.xml:

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