Deploy the Project in the Blue Environment

This Bloomreach Cloud tutorial assumes you are using Bloomreach Experience Manager 14, 15, or 16. If you are using an earlier version, some steps may differ from what is described here.

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In this step, you will use Mission Control to upload your distribution file, create the blue environment, and deploy the distribution in it.

Upload the Distribution

Log into Mission Control.

Browse to the Distributions tab on the Files screen.

Upload the distribution file you created in the previous step with 1.0.0 version number.

Create the Blue Environment

In Mission Control browse to the environments overview.

Click on the red + icon in the bottom right corner to create a new environment.

Enter the name "blue" and click on the Save button.

Deploy the Distribution in the Blue Environment

Select the blue environment and click on Deploy an Application. Select myproject-1.0.0-distribution.tar.gz and deploy it.

In the confirmation dialog click on Deploy.

The distribution will now be deployed, this can take a few minutes.

Configure the Application for the Blue Environment

The CMS and Site applications are now running, but because this is the first deployment in this environment some application configuration is required before they can be used.

First of all, you should change the default passwords for the default users.

On the Details tab of the blue environment, click on the CMS button. This will open the CMS application.

Log in as admin (using the default password).

Open the Admin perspective and click on Users. For all default users (admin, editor, author) change their passwords.

Before the website can be accessed, virtual hosts must be configured for this environment.

On the Details tab of the blue environment, click on the Console button. This will open the Console application is a new browser tab.

Log in as admin and browse to the node /hst:myproject/hst:hosts.

Add an hst:virtualhostgroup node called blue and create the following virtual host structure, replacing with the domain name for the blue environment (shown in the URL bar of your browser):

    jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhostgroup
    jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhostgroup
      jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhost
        jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhost
          jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhost
            jcr:primaryType: hst:mount
            hst:mountpoint: /hst:myproject/hst:sites/myhippoproject
            hst:scheme: https
            hst:showport: false
            hst:showcontextpath: true

Browse to the node /hst:platform/hst:hosts.

Add an hst:virtualhostgroup node called blue and create the following virtual host structure, replacing with the domain name for the blue environment:

    jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhostgroup
    jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhostgroup
      jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhost
      hst:scheme: https
      hst:showcontextpath: true
      hst:showport: false
        jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhost
          jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhost
            jcr:primaryType: hst:mount
            hst:ismapped: false
            hst:namedpipeline: WebApplicationInvokingPipeline

Click on Write changes to the repository.

You may want to create a backup of the /hst:myproject/hst:hosts/blue node using the XML Export option in the top menu. Later in the tutorial, when you need to configure virtual hosts for the green environment again, you can use the XML Import option and replace all instances of 'blue' with 'green'

Verify the Release in the Blue Environment

Verify that the release is working correctly.

Any verification performed at this stage should not contaminate the repository and databases. More extensive and longer acceptance testing should be done in a separate acceptance environment before the blue-green deployment.

If everything works as expected, you can start routing production traffic to the blue environment.

Configure the Domain Name

Most likely you don't want your target audience to access your website on a URL like As an example, let's assume you registered the domain and you want your website to be accessible at

Before you can use your domain name, the corresponding SSL certificate must be installed in your stack. Contact the Bloomreach Cloud support team to get this done.

Once the SSL certificate is installed, open Mission Control and browse to the Domains screen:

Click on the red + icon in the bottom right corner to add a new domain.

Enter as domain, select the "blue" environment, and leave Source context path and Target context path at their default values.

Do the same for Set Target context path to "/cms". This will be the domain used to access the CMS application.

In the Console application, configure a virtual host for the domain:

    jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhostgroup
    jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhostgroup
    jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhostgroup
      jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhost
        jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhost
          jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhost
            jcr:primaryType: hst:mount
            hst:mountpoint: /hst:myproject/hst:sites/myproject
            hst:scheme: https
            hst:showport: false
            hst:showcontextpath: false

Click on Write changes to the repository.

Before you update the DNS records for and, verify the routing by sending a request to your stack's API gateway (for example, with the Host header set to the domain you are verifying. For example, using curl:

curl --verbose -H 'Host:'

For the above example, the response should be the HTML for the website's homepage.

Once you have confirmed the routing is correct, change the DNS CNAME records for and to point to the Bloomreach Cloud stack gateway.

Mark the Blue Environment as Production Environment

In Mission Control, at the top of the environments overview, you will see a message that there no production environment has been specified yet:

Click on Set Production Environment and select the blue environment:

Click on Set, and again in the confirmation dialog that pops up.

This marks the blue environment as production environment and ensures optimal performance and availability by allocating it more resources than non-production environments.

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