Bloomreach Cloud Pageview Definition

Pageviews are one of the key metrics for estimating usage with Bloomreach Content PaaS and Self Hosted services (formerly known as Experience Manager - brXM).For Bloomreach Content PaaS customers, a Pageview is measured based on the requests hitting Bloomreach servers. The following requests are counted as a Content PaaS Pageview:

  1. the request returns status code is in the 200-299 range 
  2. the request method is GET 
  3. the path doesn’t start with “/binaries[1]” or “/ping”
  4. the path has an extension with “html”, “htm”, “jsp” or “ftl” OR has no extension at all

The Bloomreach Cloud Team relies exclusively on Humio access logs as the definitive source for pageview data.
Bloomreach employs seamless monitoring of access logs within Humio, ensuring that this data is readily available to all Bloomreach Cloud customers.
If you wish to view the specific query utilized for monitoring pageviews within Humio, we kindly request that you contact the Bloomreach Support Team via this link:

[1] Please see HST Binary Content Resource Serving documentation for more information.

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