Translations Add-On Release Notes

Bloomreach offers Enterprise support for this feature to Bloomreach Experience customers. The release cycle of this feature may differ from our core product release cycle. 
Using this feature requires an additional license. Please contact your account manager or sales person for more information.


Released: 21 June 2024



  • [TRANSLATIONS-341] - Test connector: Unable to update a stale item: at updateTranslationTarget(
  • [TRANSLATIONS-391] Null pointer when setting targetLocale


Released: 22 May 2024



Released: 23 April 2024



Released: 19 March 2024



Released: 12 October 2023


  • [TRANSLATIONS-358] - Button "select all" does not send all document to translation queue


  • [TRANSLATIONS-375] - Content root specific languages don't allow targeting by path
  • [TRANSLATIONS-376] - Tester connector should allow for configurable prefixes


Released: 09 August 2023

    Fix an issue when translating documents to a target locale that contained a variant
    Add support for inherited documents and fields. There is a use case as part of the demo project of the addon with the document types Parent & Child.

    Implementation remarks
    Example case: Doc type Parent with fields "surname" and "name" and a doc type Child that supertypes from Parent but defines only one of the inherited fields "surname" and its own field "childName"

    1) If the Parent type is marked as translatable and its fields surname and name too. The client will have to configure the Child as translatable explicitly and all the desired fields too (inherited and not). Meaning translation is not inherited.
    2) If the Parent has 2 fields surname and name but the Child inherits only the field surname in the settings dialog all fields will show up. If the client selects the field name as well even though it is not defined as inherited it will have no impact on the translation of the Child.


Released: 16 June 2023

    For the FTPTranslationsConnector and the StarTranslationConnector: introduce extension point on behalf of subclasses being able modify translated content after it has been pulled back into the repository: 
    protected void postProcessTranslationItem(TranslationJobItem jobItem, TranslationTarget translationTarget)
    Note: JobItem.getDocumentId() gets the id of the source document, TranslationTarget.getTranslatedDocumentId() gets the id of the translated document.
    Fix a bug in the requests overview dashboard that sometimes showed -1 results in case of more than 1000 items.
    Improve FTPTranslationsConnector: more robustness regarding email configuration, not making it blocking for doing FTP uploads.
    Create an Essentials plugin to get a local project easier up and running with the translation addon.


Released: 22 December 2022

  • TRANSLATIONS-355 improvements for the XTM Connector and webhook.
    a) From config, read 'xtm.localesMap' instead of 'xtm.localesMapString'. Rename that property in the connector configuration!
    b) After creating the XTM project, set any received 'xtmProjectName' and 'xtmProjectId' on the job node.
    c) Added an extension point XTMTranslationConnector#getProjectDescription(job) for subclasses to be able to fill in the XTM project description in a different way (e.g. add job.getCreator).
    d) Read configuration from connector instead of mount, avoiding double configurations. Remove xtm.* properties from the mount!
    e) Add a status end point on "rest/xtm/" and return a 200 or 500 string on "rest/xtm/jobFinished"
    Also improved error handling and more, for details see TRANSLATIONS-355.
  • TRANSLATIONS-367 move yaml configuration on /hippo:configuration/hippo:frontend/cms/cms-advanced-search from repository module to search/service module.
  • TRANSLATIONS-370 add attributes jobItemCreator, jobItemCreated and jobItemLastModified to the generic XML format that is sent out. This needs usage of the overloaded method   TranslationDocumentManager.getDocumentXml(TranslationJobItem) in the connector used, so all default connectors are updated accordingly,


Released: 20 October 2022

    Star Connector: introduce extension point (protected method) to the StarTranslationConnector on behalf of subclasses being able add a custom attribute to the XML that is sent out:
    protected processXML(byte[] documentXml, TranslationJobItem jobItem)
    Fix for the "Enable compound configuration" functionality (since 5.8.0), where fields of compounds aren't sent anymore if not explicitly configured.
    Fix for the search filters dropdowns in the Document Search perspective that no longer trigger a new search when used.
    Customer feedback-based improvements to the MarkTranslatedDocuments updater script that was introduced in the 5.7.0 release.
    In the configuration perspective, alphabetically sort document types and compound types.
    XTM Connector: handle non breaking spaces in project name.
  • Add Dutch translations for XTM UI extension (project name and description) and improve the English ones.


Released: 6 July 2022

    Upgrade to Bloomreach Experience Manager 15: adapt to work with Wicket 9 and build using Java 11.
    In the advanced search, move the "Request translations" action from the "Translations" button to the default "Perform Action" button, improving the UI.
    Deprecate the GlobalLinkConnector because it's using an outdated API.
    Also, it depends on an implementation of '' being present in the JVM, which is no longer the case on Java 11, since Java EE is absent.
    Projects can still use the connector but will have to provide such implementation, for instance by adding Maven dependency "" to the CMS, but that pulls in a lot of other dependencies.


See here for the release notes for versions 5.x on Bloomreach Experience Manager 14.


See here for the release notes for versions 4.x on Bloomreach Experience Manager 13.


See here for the release notes for versions 3.x on Bloomreach Experience Manager 12.


See here for the release notes for versions 2.x on Bloomreach Experience Manager 11.

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