Upgrade to Bloomreach Experience Manager 16

This section contains documentation to guide you in upgrading your project from Bloomreach Experience Manager 15 to Bloomreach Experience Manager 16.

Bloomreach Experience Manager applies Semantic Versioning for its releases, which implies that backwards incompatible changes can be made between major versions. Such changes force you to apply a number of changes to your Bloomreach Experience Manager project, which are described in this section of the documentation.

For all Bloomreach Experience Manager major upgrades, you must first read the general introduction to Bloomreach Experience Manager upgrades, and follow the described general upgrade process precisely. Please do not try to skip or shortcut any of these steps!

Next, please study the page listing the relevant changes between version 15 and 16, providing information on the rationale behind the changes. We expect that understanding this background will help you comprehend and apply the necessary changes successfully. Then, you should be ready to actually start upgrading your project, following the described steps needed for upgrading to v16.

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