Other document actions

Taking a document offline

A document can be unpublished by opening it in the Document Viewer and selecting Take Offline ... from the Publication menu. If the document is referred to from other published documents, brXM displays a warning, allowing you to first remove or redirect these references. Ignoring this warning will turn all references into dead links. Click Take offline to confirm taking the document offline.

Please note that the Take offline all in folder... option in a folder's context menu does not verify references. To take multiple document offline while verifying references, use bulk workflow operations in the Document search application instead.

Moving a document

In order to move an existing document into a different parent folder, make sure the document is offline (see above). Open it in the Document Viewer and click on the Document button in the menu bar. Select Move ... to open the Move dialogue box; select the target parent folder and click OK.

Beware that moving a document is likely to change its URL. If visitors have bookmarked the old URL of the document, their bookmark will no longer work. You may want to configure brXM to forward requests for the old URL to the new URL.

Renaming a document

In order to rename an existing document, make sure the document is offline (see above). Open it in the Document Viewer and click on the Document button in the menu bar. Select  Rename ... to open the Rename dialogue box, enter the new name and, optionally, the new URL name, and click OK.

Beware that renaming the URL name of a document will change its URL. If visitors have bookmarked the old URL of the document, their bookmark will no longer work. You may want to configure brXM to forward requests for the old URL to the new URL.

Deleting a document

A document can only be deleted from brXM if it is offline (see above). A document can be deleted by clicking on the Document button in the Document Viewer's menu bar. Select Delete ... to open the Delete dialogue box. If there are still documents referring to the document you're about to delete, brXM will warn you. Make sure you remove or redirect these references before deleting the document. Click Delete to confirm the deletion of the document.

Closing a document or multiple documents

You can close a document by clicking on the cross on the tab of the document. You can also right click on the tab to close multiple documents at once.

Navigating between Experience manager (preview) and document editor

Once you have opened a document, you can use the View menu to preview what the document looks like on the website. To quickly navigate back to the document, click on the tab of the document.

If the document is part of a project, previewing the project version of that document in a channel requires that channel to be part of the same project. If the channel is not part of the project, the preview will show the "core" version of the document.

Adding/removing a document to/from a project

If you are using the Projects feature, you can add a document to a project or remove it from a project.

Switching between the Core version and a Project version of a document

If a document is part of a project, you can switch between the core version of the document and the project version of the document. This allows you to edit and publish the core version of a document while a different version of the same document is being prepared within the context of a project.

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