Content Blocks Configuration


The Content Blocks plugin can be added to your project and configured using Essentials.


  • Bloomreach Experience Manager project with Essentials.
  • At least one document type (to add a content blocks field to).
  • At least two compound type (to be used as content blocks).


  1. Using Essentialsadd Content Blocks to your project.
  2. Rebuild and restart your project.
  3. In Essentials, find Content Blocks under Installed features and choose 'Configure'.
  4. Select the document type you want to add content block fields to.
  5. To add a new content blocks field, click the Add button and enter the following configuration parameters.
    1. Field name: the name to be displayed above the field in the CMS Document Editor.
    2. Picker type (links or dropdown): show the UI element to add a content block as links or as dropdown.
    3. Max Blocks: the maximum number of blocks that can be added to the field (leave empty for no limit).
    4. Used Compounds: select two or more from the available compound types.
    5. Save changes.
At this point the setup application's Beanwriter tool does not support content blocks. You will have to manually add a get method for each content blocks field to the content bean as described on the Content Blocks and Delivery Tier page.

Advanced configuration

Some additional options can be configured through JCR properties using the CMS Console.

These JCR properties are stored on the following node:


For example, for a project myproject and a document type contentdocument with a content blocks field blocks the configuration properties are stored on the node:


Show the Names of the Block Types

Optionally an additional label can be rendered above each content block showing the name of that block's compound type.

To enable this, add a boolean property showCompoundNames with value true to the cluster.options node.

For example:

  showCompoundNames: true

Additional Configuration for the Block Names

This improvement is available since Bloomreach Experience Manager 15.5.0.

As of version 15.5.0, the block names have been made collapsible. Besides that, the following configuration properties have been introduced, applicable in the Content application only, and only if showCompoundNames is also set to true:

  showCompoundNames: true
  startCollapsed: true
  showTitles: true
  titleMapping: ['myproject:mycompound=myproject:title', 'myproject:myothercompound=myproject:summary']
  compoundNamesMaxLength: 90 
Property name Property type Description
startCollapsed Boolean Specifies whether the blocks of the field start in collapsed mode when a document is opened.
showTitles Boolean Specifies whether to add a part of the block's content to the block name, for better identification when collapsed. It looks at the titleMapping to determine what property should be taken as title.
titleMapping multiple String A mapping between compound type and property name, to determine per block what property should be taken as title if  showTitles=true.
compoundNamesMaxLength Long Maximum length for a block name, with a default of 90. A block name that is too long for the UI can be constructed easily if showTitles=true so then it is truncated and an ellipsis is added.


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