Prepare the First Project Release

This Bloomreach Cloud tutorial assumes you are using Bloomreach Experience Manager 14, 15, or 16. If you are using an earlier version, some steps may differ from what is described here.

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In this step, you will re-use the project you created in the Prepare the Project step of the Deploy in Bloomreach Cloud tutorial.

Release the Project

You will create a "release" by setting the project's version to 1.0.0 using the Versions Maven Plugin.

In your project's root directory enter the following command:

mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=1.0.0

This updates the project version in the pom.xml in the project root as well as in all submodules.

To clean up the temporary backups of the pom.xml files made by the Versions plugin enter the following command:

mvn versions:commit
In a real world project, you would use the Maven Release Plugin which also tags the project in the source code version control system.

Create a Distribution

To be able to deploy the project in a Bloomreach Cloud environment it must be packaged as a distribution.

In your project's root directory enter the following commands:

mvn clean verify
mvn -P dist
For Bloomreach Experience Manager 11 projects, replace the above commands with the following:
mvn clean verify
mvn -P dist-with-content

This creates a distribution file in the target directory:


In the next step, you will upload this file to Bloomreach Cloud and deploy it in the blue environment.

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