Deploy the Project

This Bloomreach Cloud tutorial assumes you are using Bloomreach Experience Manager 14, 15, or 16. If you are using an earlier version, some steps may differ from what is described here.


In this step, you will use Mission Control to upload your distribution file and deploy it in an environment.

Upload the Distribution

Log into Mission Control.

Browse to the Distributions tab on the Files screen.

To upload the distribution file you created in the previous step, click on the upload icon in the bottom right corner, browse to the location of the file on your computer and select it.

Depending on the speed of your network connection the upload can take a while (the distribution file is over 100 MB).

Create an Environment

Browse to the environments overview.

Click on the red + icon in the bottom right corner to create a new environment.

Enter the name "tutorial" and click on Create.

Once the environment is ready, click on it to open the environment details screen.

Deploy the Distribution in the Environment

Click on Deploy an Application, select myproject-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-distribution.tar.gz and click on Deploy.

In the confirmation dialog click on Deploy.

The distribution will now be deployed, this can take a few minutes.

Before the website can be accessed virtual hosts must be configured for this environment.

On the Details tab of the tutorial environment, click on the Console button. This will open the Console application is a new browser tab.

Log in as admin and browse to the node /hst:myproject/hst:hosts. Thise is where the virtual hosts for the public-facing sites are configured.

The node hierarchy and properties are as follows:

    jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhostgroup
      jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhost
        jcr:primaryType: hst:mount

Add an hst:virtualhostgroup node called tutorial and create the following virtual host structure, replacing tutorial-mycloud with the subdomain name for the acceptance environment (shown in the URL bar of your browser):

    jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhostgroup
      jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhost
        jcr:primaryType: hst:mount
    jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhostgroup
      jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhost
        jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhost
          jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhost
            jcr:primaryType: hst:mount
            hst:mountpoint: /hst:myproject/hst:sites/myhippoproject
            hst:scheme: https
            hst:showport: false
            hst:showcontextpath: true

Browse to the node /hst:platform/hst:hosts. Thise is where the virtual hosts for the preview sites in the Channel Manager are configured.

The node hierarchy and properties are as follows:

  jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhosts
    jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhostgroup
      jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhost
        jcr:primaryType: hst:mount
        hst:ismapped: false
        hst:namedpipeline: WebApplicationInvokingPipeline

Add an hst:virtualhostgroup node called tutorial and create the following virtual host structure, replacing tutorial-mycloud with the subdomain name for the acceptance environment (shown in the URL bar of your browser):

  jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhosts
    jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhostgroup
      jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhost
        jcr:primaryType: hst:mount
        hst:ismapped: false
        hst:namedpipeline: WebApplicationInvokingPipeline
    jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhostgroup
      jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhost
      hst:scheme: https
      hst:showcontextpath: true
      hst:showport: false
        jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhost
          jcr:primaryType: hst:virtualhost
            jcr:primaryType: hst:mount
            hst:ismapped: false
            hst:namedpipeline: WebApplicationInvokingPipeline

Click on Write changes to the repository.

You may want to create a backup of the /hst:myproject/hst:hosts/tutorial and /hst:platform/hst:hosts/tutorial node using the XML Export option in the top menu.

Verify the Deployment in the Environment

In the CMS application, open the Content perspective and browse to the My Project/News folder.

Create a new News document, enter some content and publish the document.

On the Details tab of the tutorial environment, click on the Site button. The website will open in a new browser tab.

Browse to the news overview page. The new News article you published will be shown in the list.

This concludes this tutorial.


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