Adjust for Removed Deprecations

Adjust your implementation project for removed deprecations to upgrade from Bloomreach Experience Manager 15.x to 16.y.

Removed Deprecated ConcurrentLoginFilter and ConcurrentLoginListener Classes

Previously deprecated and non-functional (NOOP) classes has been removed in brXM. There may be leftover entries in the CMS’s web.xml, please remove the following snippets if present in your implementation project: 

<!--No concurrent logins-->



Removed Deprecated Repository Modules

The following previously deprecated Maven modules and corresponding classes have been removed in brXM 16:

  • org.onehippo.cms7:hippo-repository-deprecated-facetsearch
  • org.onehippo.cms7:hippo-repository-deprecated-facetselectmirror

The following constant has been removed as well:

  • org.hippoecm.repository.api.HippoNodeType#NT_FACETSUBSEARCH

Removed Deprecated GoogleAnalytics Module

The GoogleAnalytics module was deprecated in brXM 15.3 and has been removed in brXM 16.

CMS side

The following two reports have been removed:

  • ”Buzz > Visitors Last Month”
  • “Totals > Visitors Last Two Weeks”

The following Maven artifact and corresponding Wicket plugin class have been removed in brXM 16:

  • org.onehippo.cms7:hippo-cms-google-analytics-frontend

The following Java package and corresponding classes have been removed in brXM 16:

  • com/onehippo/cms7/reports/plugins/ga

The following repository configuration for the plugin has been removed in brXM 16:

  • /hippo:configuration/hippo:frontend/cms/hippo-reports/buzz-website-visits
  • /hippo:configuration/hippo:frontend/cms/hippo-reports/totals-website-visit

Actions to take

  • Remove dependency to org.onehippo.cms7:hippo-cms-google-analytics-frontend if present in a CMS pom.xml.
  • Check usages of any of the removed classes.

Delivery side

The following Maven artifact and containing items have been removed in brXM 16:

  • org.onehippo.cms7.hst.client-modules:hst-google-analytics-hst
    • googleanalytics.tld with backing classes and 

    • web resource google-analytics.js

  • org.onehippo.cms7.hst.client-modules:hst-google-analytics-repository
    • hippogoogleanalytics.cnd 
      Note: after deployment, this cnd will stay present in existing repositories, visible via console app, but this will not interfere.

    • Repository configuration: /hippo:configuration/hippo:modules/googleAnalyticsConfiguration

    • Interface and its implementation org.onehippo.cms7.googleanalytics.GoogleAnalyticsServiceImpl

Actions to take

  • Remove dependency to org.onehippo.cms7.hst.client-modules:hst-google-analytics-hstif present in a site pom.xml, then also also check for usage of the removed googleanalytics.tld.
    • From FTL files, remove occurrences of <@ga.accountId/><@ga.trackDocument/> or <#assign ga=JspTaglibs[""]>.
    • From JSP files, remove occurrences of <ga:accountId/>, <ga:accountId/> or <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="ga" %>
    • Remove any references to google-analytics.js (assuming referencing the removed artifact).
  • Remove dependency to org.onehippo.cms7.hst.client-modules:hst-google-analytics-repository if present in a CMS pom.xml.
    • Remove any entry in YAML that adds property values to /hippo:configuration/hippo:modules/googleAnalyticsConfiguration.

Removed Deprecations in Enterprise Forms

The undocumented PDF Filler functionality was deprecated in brXM 15.0 and has been removed in brXM 16.

Removed classes:


The following other, previously deprecated, classes have been removed in brXM 16:

  • - use MailFormDataPlugin instead
  • com.onehippo.cms7.eforms.hst.behaviors.ConfigurableMailFormDataBehavior - use MailFormDataBehavior instead
  • com.onehippo.cms7.eforms.hst.components.AfterProcessComponent - use EformComponent or AutoDetectFormComponent instead
  • com.onehippo.cms7.eforms.hst.components.ConfigurableMailAndStoreFormDataComponent - use EformComponent or AutoDetectFormComponent instead
  • com.onehippo.cms7.eforms.hst.model.EmailBlock

The following constructors have been removed, use the #builder methods instead:

  • Removed com.onehippo.cms7.eforms.hst.model.TextField#TextField(Form, String, String, long, long, long) 
  • Removed com.onehippo.cms7.eforms.hst.model.RadioBox#RadioBox(RadioBoxBean, Form)
  • Removed com.onehippo.cms7.eforms.hst.model.RadioBox#RadioBox(Form, String, String, String, String, boolean, String)
  • Removed com.onehippo.cms7.eforms.hst.model.CheckBox#CheckBox(CheckBoxBean, Form)
  • Removed com.onehippo.cms7.eforms.hst.model.CheckBox#CheckBox(Form, String, String, String, String, boolean, String)
  • Removed com.onehippo.cms7.eforms.hst.model.DateField#DateField(Form, String, String, String)

Previously deprecated methods, attributes, or constants in the following classes have been removed in brXM 16:

  • com.onehippo.cms7.eforms.cms.exporter.FormContainerExporter
    • Removed #fetchLastInsertedColumn
  • com.onehippo.cms7.eforms.cms.extensions.ConfirmationPlugin
    • Removed #PROP_NAME_SENDER_ADDRESS - "eforms:confirmationsenderaddress" no longer to be used; use "eforms:confirmationreplytoaddress" and "eforms-sender-email" /  "eforms-sender-name".
  • com.onehippo.cms7.eforms.hst.behaviors.AbstractMailBehavior
    • #getPlainText - removed overloaded methods with an EmailBlock parameter
    • #getHtml-  removed overloaded methods with an EmailBlock parameter
    • Removed #createMailSender(HstRequest, ComponentConfiguration, FormBean, FormMap) - use createMailSender without bean and map parameters
    • Removed #getFromAddress(HstRequest, ComponentConfiguration, FormBean, FormMap) - use getFromAddress without bean and map parameters
    • Removed #getSenderAddress(HstRequest, ComponentConfiguration, FormBean, FormMap, MailAddress) - use getSenderAddress without bean and map parameters
  • com.onehippo.cms7.eforms.hst.behaviors.MailFormDataBehavior
    • Removed #getRecipients(HstRequest, ComponentConfiguration, Form) - use getRecipients with a bean as extra parameter
    • Removed #getCcRecipients(HstRequest, ComponentConfiguration, Form) - use getCcRecipients with a bean as extra parameter
    • Removed #getBccRecipients(HstRequest, ComponentConfiguration, Form) - use getCcRecipients with a bean as extra parameter
    • Removed #getSubject(HstRequest, ComponentConfiguration, FormBean, String) - use getSubject with HippoItem bean parameter
    • Removed #createRecipients(String, String) - use #addRecipients(List, String, String) instead
    • Removed #createReplyToAddresses(FormBean, FormMap) - use createReplyToAddresses with HippoItem bean parameter
    • Removed #EMPTY_ARRAY, unused
  • com.onehippo.cms7.eforms.hst.behaviors.FormSubmissionCounterBehavior
    • Removed #getSubmissionCount(FormBean) plus dependent methods
  • com.onehippo.cms7.eforms.hst.api.OnValidationErrorBehavior
    • Removed #onValidationError(HstRequest, HstResponse, ComponentConfiguration, FormBean, Form, FormMap, ListErrorMessage>) - use the version with a Map as errors argument instead
  • com.onehippo.cms7.eforms.hst.api.ValidationSupport
    • Removed #onValidationError(HstRequest, HstResponse, Form, FormMap, List<ErrorMessage>) - use the version with a Map as errors argument instead
  • com.onehippo.cms7.eforms.cms.model.SingleValuePropertyModel
    • Removed #SingleValuePropertyModel(JcrPropertyModel)
    • Removed #SingleValuePropertyModel(Property)
  • com.onehippo.cms7.eforms.hst.components.ConfirmFormComponent
    • Removed #addConfiguredBehaviors(HstRequest) - use #addConfiguredBehaviors instead
    • Removed #getComponentParameter(HstRequest, String, String) - use #getComponentParameter(String, String) instead
    • Removed #removeFormMap -  do not use this method any more.
  • com.onehippo.cms7.eforms.hst.components.EformComponent
    • Removed #removeFormMap - do not use this method any more.

Removed Deprecations in Commons Module

The following classes which were deprecated in brXM 12, have been removed in brXM 16:

  • org.onehippo.cms7.logging.log4j.JndiPropertyFilter
  • org.onehippo.cms7.logging.log4j.AbstractPropertyFilter

Use LookupFilter instead.

In the following class, the following interface which was deprecated in brXM 14 has been removed in brXM 16:

    • Removed #getRolesByUsername - use #getRolesByUser(User) instead.

Removed Deprecations in Site Toolkit Security Module

The following classes which were deprecated in brXM 14, have been removed in brXM 16:


Use RepositoryAuthenticationProvider instead.

In the following class, the following method has been removed in brXM 16:

    • Removed #getRolesByUsername which is an implementation of removed interface method AuthenticationProvider#getRolesByUsername

Removed Deprecations in Site Toolkit Core Module

The following property has been removed from SpringComponentManager properties in brXM 16:

  • security.authentication.role.domain

This was originally intended to be used by the now removed AuthenticationProviders (see above).

Removed Deprecations in Taxonomy Plugin

The following methods in the following classes have been removed in brXM 16:

  • org.onehippo.taxonomy.plugin.model.ClassificationDao
    • Removed #getClassification(IModel<Node>) - use #getClassification(IModel<Node>, Taxonomy) instead
  • org.onehippo.taxonomy.plugin.TaxonomyFieldPlugin
    • Removed #isTaxonomyFieldValid - this is handled by calling ViolationUtils#getFirstFieldViolation and checking if a violation is present


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