Relevance Module

This Bloomreach Experience Manager feature requires a standard or premium license. Please contact Bloomreach for more information.
Please note that the Replication and Synchronization add-ons are incompatible with the Relevance Module.


The Bloomreach Experience Manager Relevance Module allows marketers to customize the appearance of their channels based on the characteristics of individual visitors.

To add the Relevance Module to your project see Add the Relevance Module to a Project.

Content audiences application

To use the Relevance Module, a marketer will typically start in the real-time panel of the Content audiences application. In the real-time panel, the list of current visitors is displayed. For each visitor, a list of visitor characteristics is shown, such as where they are coming from, what content they have seen, or even live information such as the weather they are experiencing at their location. These characteristics can be stored, edited, and combined into segments.

Real Time Visitor Analysis




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Channel Editor

The characteristics and segments are used in the Channel Editor to personalize the website. In the Channel Editor, a marketer or webmaster can reconfigure page templates based on the characteristics of the visitor or the segments that match the visitor's behavior. Components can be added to a page to specifically target a certain audience, or components can be given specific configuration depending on the type of visitor.

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Alter Ego

In the Channel Editor, it is also possible to preview the site and mimic a targeted visitor using the Alter Ego functionality.

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The Relevance Module has been designed to be extensible. It is possible to develop new collectors to capture specific information about your visitors. For instance, it is possible to integrate information from your CRM system and target content based on past buying behavior. The data of such collectors will automatically be visible in the Real Time Visitor Analysis screen as 'visitor characteristics'. More complex data can be visualized in custom UI widgets. The bottom part of the Real Time Visitor Analysis screen is completely customizable and can include existing widgets and/or custom widgets in any possible layout. It is also possible to define new characteristics, including custom CMS UI widgets to view and edit them. These custom characteristics can also be made available to the Alter Ego.


This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from
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